End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: FR Data speed: 0.171501

Player Ranking

Rang Name Credits Last Hour Today Yesterday
1 Zacapa23 32,959,673,983 0 0 0
2 Lalain621 30,139,382,824 0 0 0
3 Ludo1128 19,013,776,347 0 115 12,535
4 Geoffrey 18,811,486,597 20,090 11,162,143 13,011,590
5 Wiglaum 14,047,231,614 0 0 7,012
6 Iouch37 13,202,594,751 0 0 82,868
7 DebartBoss 12,673,092,720 0 0 23,063,572
8 Ninon1301 12,526,709,186 0 0 2,060
9 Basic_Frite 11,756,527,194 0 0 191,065
10 J_ako 10,897,930,448 20,090 7,057,841 21,313,721
11 frixion70-75 9,554,036,952 20,090 4,257,599 16,678,804
12 Astuko 9,402,506,814 0 0 6,750
13 Malain 8,597,120,515 78,026 4,474,009 23,564,644
14 alexisdu5970 8,321,730,525 0 0 5,006,742
15 LOfficier 8,142,152,198 279 172,304 5,507,940
16 M0rgan 7,637,262,196 31 243,238 9,674,566
17 samourai57シ 7,555,553,885 34,615 786,185 9,350,523
18 Anthony45 7,293,540,402 0 2,205,331 4,173,508
19 Vaillant 7,090,822,441 0 0 1,000
20 Alex411 6,464,941,738 0 0 0
21 Ozi 6,213,505,886 0 0 0
22 Nekhyoss 6,176,096,397 34,210 213,078 2,762,377
23 Antaxe41 6,067,407,261 547,373 630,617 6,005,271
24 Dudulolo 6,060,369,782 0 82,779 6,166,696
25 Diazie 5,917,370,655 0 125 2,023
26 Lindster 5,641,397,255 0 0 1,684,080
27 Victor77 5,307,367,389 0 0 13,728
28 NDA80 5,130,267,877 0 0 0
29 Darius 5,079,516,009 0 10,153 533,409
30 petifab 4,199,396,344 0 1,995 385,650
Rang Name Credits
4 Geoffrey - (348217) 11,162,143
10 J_ako - (54068) 7,057,841
13 Malain - (458274) 4,474,009
11 frixion70-75 - (93237) 4,257,599
18 Anthony45 - (75954) 2,205,331
57 Madyson801 - (346677) 1,204,916
58 LTISP_301 - (210533) 1,196,822
369 CAILLOUNE39 - (456612) 825,588
174 Skym - (141146) 798,216
17 samourai57シ - (696) 786,185