End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: US - Player: TMFD - DataSpeed: 0.8906412

Player Information

Name : TMFD
Ranking : 107
Team : US First Responders (USFR)
Total Credits: 1,290,394,132
Credits Today: 539,862
Credits Week: 10,452,476
Credits Month: 35,939,394

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
97 Jersey 1,426,974,018 -136,579,886 158 / 28-5-2025
98 TillerMan 1,414,418,090 -124,023,958 0
99 Timo-USA 1,393,957,718 -103,563,586 66 / 25-2-2025
100 Blazinshagg 1,390,953,831 -100,559,699 65 / 24-2-2025
101 LCBD 1,385,216,873 -94,822,741 60 / 19-2-2025
102 Jackie83 1,367,790,266 -77,396,134 0
103 Doki_NEF 1,348,777,017 -58,382,885 37 / 27-1-2025
104 QueenFay 1,334,712,332 -44,318,200 32 / 22-1-2025
105 Brett620 1,328,364,989 -37,970,857 24 / 14-1-2025
106 Moriah614 1,313,987,185 -23,593,053 128 / 28-4-2025
107 TMFD 1,290,394,132 0 0
108 Halligan281 1,283,334,319 7,059,813 0
109 DutchFireFighters 1,277,027,366 13,366,766 0
110 Chief_Indianapolis 1,276,371,743 14,022,389 0
111 Tami1004 1,243,420,320 46,973,812 0
112 Bismuth 1,234,785,830 55,608,302 0