End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: NO - Player: flipflopHäke - DataSpeed: 0.7343768

Player Information

Name : flipflopHäke
Ranking : 238
Team : 🇳🇴 Norgesalliansen 🇳🇴
Total Credits: 38,242,117
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 00
Credits Month: 00

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
228 Tomalvin 39,364,040 -1,121,923 0
229 Sirupsgrisen 39,277,766 -1,035,649 0
230 FedoraMaster 39,150,980 -908,863 0
231 Rino 39,136,379 -894,262 0
232 Nummiss 39,038,062 -795,945 0
233 Norwaycowboy777 38,946,402 -704,285 0
234 ToffeX 38,804,494 -562,377 0
235 U05alpha 38,767,926 -525,809 0
236 Blackpanther 38,677,647 -435,530 0
237 Benjudas 38,267,437 -25,320 0
238 flipflopHäke 38,242,117 0 0
239 KristianM 38,127,183 114,934 0
240 45dc29c5930dcde18101 38,076,457 165,660 0
241 Superlotte 37,851,483 390,634 4 / 21-3-2025
242 TrayMerge2 36,989,759 1,252,358 247 / 19-11-2025
243 Pittjes 36,822,348 1,419,769 674 / 20-1-2027