End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: NO - Player: Birgit - DataSpeed: 0.6406284

Player Information

Name : Birgit
Ranking : 73
Team : BD Crew
Total Credits: 185,129,943
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 00
Credits Month: 00

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
63 Goffy 236,300,137 -51,170,194 0
64 LittleJohn 227,882,532 -42,752,589 0
65 OztehQvel 223,481,549 -38,351,606 0
66 123br 219,298,835 -34,168,892 0
67 Themodernvikingnor 205,134,755 -20,004,812 0
68 Jacqueline 204,656,567 -19,526,624 0
69 Bjornar94 202,044,146 -16,914,203 0
70 Raggsokk 199,844,191 -14,714,248 0
71 Rob 190,297,909 -5,167,966 0
72 Jarf 187,335,388 -2,205,445 0
73 Birgit 185,129,943 0 0
74 Dr_Crazy 169,742,535 15,387,408 107712 / 9-2-2320
75 Gamlekaren 166,665,258 18,464,685 0
76 Stianbergum 159,281,218 25,848,725 0
77 Bolleminister 157,756,662 27,373,281 0
78 Simplex 156,982,500 28,147,443 0