End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: NO - Player: AndreasB__ - DataSpeed: 0.5938479

Player Information

Name : AndreasB__
Ranking : 259
Team : 🇳🇴 Norgesalliansen 🇳🇴
Total Credits: 34,172,370
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 00
Credits Month: 122,160

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
249 Rogerman 36,009,033 -1,836,663 7676 / 23-3-2046
250 Exenqdoz 35,866,791 -1,694,421 6162 / 29-1-2042
251 Eirik1987 35,720,995 -1,548,625 0
252 10-4dude 35,688,538 -1,516,168 5513 / 20-4-2040
253 8f495dc0b974e98cb7fc 35,641,128 -1,468,758 0
254 Robin133 35,586,088 -1,413,718 5141 / 14-4-2039
255 Peli 35,084,303 -911,933 3316 / 15-4-2034
256 BaBuMan 34,662,929 -490,559 1784 / 3-2-2030
257 FrankVI 34,519,172 -346,802 1261 / 29-8-2028
258 Roger83 34,420,831 -248,461 0
259 AndreasB__ 34,172,370 0 0
260 Pink1 34,147,842 24,528 0
261 KennethD 34,030,514 141,856 0
262 Joakim1 33,936,208 236,162 0
263 Zeb 33,508,210 664,160 2 / 19-3-2025
264 Berettas 33,496,206 676,164 0