End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: NL - Player: Mathiasvansweevelt - DataSpeed: 0.8753692

Player Information

Name : Mathiasvansweevelt
Ranking : 444
Total Credits: 632,969,712
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 143,337
Credits Month: 6,944,882

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
434 jasperolammie 652,678,086 -19,708,374 57 / 13-2-2025
435 Joppert22 651,544,940 -18,575,228 55 / 11-2-2025
436 ARuut 648,275,877 -15,306,165 0
437 Gertds 645,368,021 -12,398,309 36 / 23-1-2025
438 Gerben1511R1 645,062,918 -12,093,206 35 / 22-1-2025
439 Kaaskop24 641,327,871 -8,358,159 24 / 11-1-2025
440 GJ2005 640,998,981 -8,029,269 23 / 10-1-2025
441 chandonks1 640,773,331 -7,803,619 23 / 10-1-2025
442 Ruthger 639,692,933 -6,723,221 20 / 7-1-2025
443 RicoBle 633,432,029 -462,317 1 / 19-12-2024
444 Mathiasvansweevelt 632,969,712 0 0
445 Matthias.e. 631,506,760 1,462,952 0
446 Hollywood 630,851,334 2,118,378 0
447 Maickel_ 628,441,962 4,527,750 0
448 Jwg 627,973,749 4,995,963 0
449 Patrick888 625,391,711 7,578,001 1 / 19-12-2024