End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: FR - Player: Zackeïos - DataSpeed: 0.9557092

Player Information

Name : Zackeïos
Ranking : 42
Team :
Total Credits: 2,707,550,199
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 00
Credits Month: 00

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
32 Luke072 3,916,326,963 -1,208,776,764 0
33 David_2b 3,674,485,433 -966,935,234 0
34 _Chloé_ 3,603,627,972 -896,077,773 0
35 NicoFrs72 3,403,085,702 -695,535,503 0
36 Firetom 3,078,145,044 -370,594,845 0
37 Tijophenix 3,009,062,109 -301,511,910 0
38 Pinpon69 3,000,247,694 -292,697,495 0
39 Bacchus 2,872,297,771 -164,747,572 0
40 Azurix 2,775,984,488 -68,434,289 0
41 Lylyben 45 2,773,135,626 -65,585,427 0
42 Zackeïos 2,707,550,199 0 0
43 Lukabubu 2,437,739,409 269,810,790 1447 / 8-12-2028
44 Fr3d 2,400,109,763 307,440,436 81 / 13-3-2025
45 Saxoprane 2,364,923,318 342,626,881 0
46 Blr 2,325,315,133 382,235,066 0
47 hunterblazed 2,318,503,210 389,046,989 1198121 / 27-4-5305