End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: FR - Player: Nekhyoss - DataSpeed: 0.877558

Player Information

Name : Nekhyoss
Ranking : 21
Team : S.N.I.S
Total Credits: 6,454,423,785
Credits Today: 328,637
Credits Week: 346,012
Credits Month: 924,258

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
11 Frixion.70 12,545,597,980 -6,091,174,195 0
12 Malain 11,858,194,177 -5,403,770,392 0
13 Vaillant 8,919,107,372 -2,464,683,587 0
14 samourai57シ 8,636,868,705 -2,182,444,920 0
15 LOfficier 8,605,562,160 -2,151,138,375 0
16 M0rgan 8,578,950,664 -2,124,526,879 0
17 alexisdu5970 8,436,274,621 -1,981,850,836 0
18 Anthony45 7,610,056,469 -1,155,632,684 0
19 Dudulolo 7,119,534,770 -665,110,985 0
20 Alex411 6,464,947,432 -10,523,647 80 / 30-5-2025
21 Nekhyoss 6,454,423,785 0 0
22 Ozi 6,213,505,886 240,917,899 0
23 Antaxe41 6,212,129,092 242,294,693 0
24 Lindster 5,984,476,634 469,947,151 245 / 11-11-2025
25 Diazie 5,917,683,274 536,740,511 0
26 Darius 5,808,576,578 645,847,207 77 / 27-5-2025