End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: FR - Player: Firetom - DataSpeed: 0.8001737

Player Information

Name : Firetom
Ranking : 36
Team : SDIS - De - France - Belgique
Total Credits: 3,078,145,044
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 34,924,542
Credits Month: 284,936,134

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
26 Lindster 5,642,692,498 -2,564,547,454 908 / 18-6-2027
27 Victor77 5,307,367,389 -2,229,222,345 666 / 19-10-2026
28 NDA80 5,130,267,877 -2,052,122,833 333 / 20-11-2025
29 Darius 5,079,516,921 -2,001,371,877 1066 / 23-11-2027
30 petifab 4,199,565,533 -1,121,420,489 252 / 31-8-2025
31 moiettoujoursmoi 4,147,571,994 -1,069,426,950 173 / 13-6-2025
32 Luke072 3,916,619,437 -838,474,393 280 / 28-9-2025
33 David_2b 3,674,485,433 -596,340,389 97 / 29-3-2025
34 _Chloé_ 3,603,803,639 -525,658,595 118 / 19-4-2025
35 NicoFrs72 3,403,085,702 -324,940,658 55 / 15-2-2025
36 Firetom 3,078,145,044 0 0
37 Tijophenix 3,009,062,109 69,082,935 0
38 Pinpon69 3,000,354,918 77,790,126 0
39 Bacchus 2,872,297,771 205,847,273 0
40 Azurix 2,775,984,488 302,160,556 0
41 Lylyben 45 2,773,135,626 305,009,418 0