End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: FR - Player: EclipsSolaR - DataSpeed: 0.7968661

Player Information

Name : EclipsSolaR
Ranking : 111
Team : S.N.I.S
Total Credits: 1,117,760,749
Credits Today: 7,987,319
Credits Week: 39,712,249
Credits Month: 101,267,484

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
101 Jbcuisine12 1,211,682,484 -93,921,735 17 / 8-1-2025
102 Sylvain57 1,204,390,970 -86,630,221 21 / 12-1-2025
103 Jof59 1,196,102,833 -78,342,084 14 / 5-1-2025
104 Ludo7326 1,180,046,465 -62,285,716 12 / 3-1-2025
105 Jesus-Christ 1,179,396,035 -61,635,286 11 / 2-1-2025
106 Mimi88 1,174,746,864 -56,986,115 10 / 1-1-2025
107 pilou59 1,165,742,779 -47,982,030 10 / 1-1-2025
108 crowman69 1,159,287,876 -41,527,127 9 / 31-12-2024
109 Zeyroox 1,156,418,622 -38,657,873 11 / 2-1-2025
110 Dynaldo 1,150,156,512 -32,395,763 6 / 28-12-2024
111 EclipsSolaR 1,117,760,749 0 0
112 Tristaaan 1,116,128,601 1,632,148 0
113 Ju018 1,109,204,017 8,556,732 0
114 Pilotedu50 1,101,268,203 16,492,546 0
115 Fred18 1,096,215,305 21,545,444 0
116 Sébastien80 1,095,390,613 22,370,136 0