End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: FR - Player: CAILLOUNE39 - DataSpeed: 0.7968783

Player Information

Ranking : 368
Team : SP39
Total Credits: 350,450,817
Credits Today: 1,166,003
Credits Week: 9,663,084
Credits Month: 20,691,192

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
358 Luly88 356,455,229 -6,004,412 4 / 26-12-2024
359 Egd0031 356,056,049 -5,605,232 6 / 28-12-2024
360 Dany6680 355,541,432 -5,090,615 4 / 26-12-2024
361 titi132 354,706,557 -4,255,740 3 / 25-12-2024
362 Manceycpi 354,333,668 -3,882,851 3 / 25-12-2024
363 Aqualys22 353,217,118 -2,766,301 2 / 24-12-2024
364 kinkin1518 353,087,503 -2,636,686 2 / 24-12-2024
365 GuzobiFR 352,501,656 -2,050,839 1 / 23-12-2024
366 Mickadu21 351,711,315 -1,260,498 3 / 25-12-2024
367 renar09 350,845,955 -395,138 0
368 CAILLOUNE39 350,450,817 0 0
369 AMatEus31 350,409,589 41,228 0
370 androgene007 348,774,736 1,676,081 0
371 Xeod757 346,449,159 4,001,658 0
372 pompiers771 345,839,013 4,611,804 0
373 Ramone 345,690,129 4,760,688 0