End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: FR - Player: Anthony45 - DataSpeed: 0.7969205

Player Information

Name : Anthony45
Ranking : 18
Team :
Total Credits: 7,293,540,402
Credits Today: 2,205,331
Credits Week: 18,977,603
Credits Month: 89,047,838

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
8 Ninon1301 12,526,709,186 -5,233,168,784 1778 / 4-11-2029
9 Basic_Frite 11,756,527,194 -4,462,986,792 0
10 J_ako 10,897,930,448 -3,604,390,046 0
11 frixion70-75 9,554,036,952 -2,260,496,550 0
12 Astuko 9,402,506,814 -2,108,966,412 0
13 Malain 8,597,120,515 -1,303,580,113 0
14 alexisdu5970 8,321,730,525 -1,028,190,123 1224 / 29-4-2028
15 LOfficier 8,142,152,198 -848,611,796 0
16 M0rgan 7,637,262,196 -343,721,794 0
17 samourai57シ 7,555,553,885 -262,013,483 0
18 Anthony45 7,293,540,402 0 0
19 Vaillant 7,090,822,441 202,717,961 0
20 Alex411 6,464,941,738 828,598,664 0
21 Ozi 6,213,505,886 1,080,034,516 0
22 Nekhyoss 6,176,096,397 1,117,444,005 628 / 11-9-2026
23 Antaxe41 6,067,407,261 1,226,133,141 573 / 18-7-2026