End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: ES - Player: Brais - DataSpeed: 0.6756322

Player Information

Name : Brais
Ranking : 49
Team : CENEM Operaciones y Emergencia
Total Credits: 367,931,281
Credits Today: 205,177
Credits Week: 4,751,685
Credits Month: 15,764,180

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
39 Alasbravasagain 441,783,948 -73,852,667 48 / 29-4-2025
40 pattex 440,544,856 -72,613,575 50 / 1-5-2025
41 Javier4444 431,716,174 -63,784,893 44 / 25-4-2025
42 Mojino87 426,126,990 -58,195,709 35 / 16-4-2025
43 bdc1935a6f92db45cf02 424,570,005 -56,638,724 57 / 8-5-2025
44 pedrito053 419,799,821 -51,868,540 31 / 12-4-2025
45 Takeoz 395,405,079 -27,473,798 16 / 28-3-2025
46 Califa 382,517,561 -14,586,280 9 / 21-3-2025
47 AMontero 382,505,742 -14,574,461 10 / 22-3-2025
48 faby89 379,937,983 -12,006,702 11 / 23-3-2025
49 Brais 367,931,281 0 0
50 Guille73 365,941,499 1,989,782 0
51 Buhito69 359,855,492 8,075,789 0
52 chinea 342,986,727 24,944,554 0
53 Vfcordoba 322,093,200 45,838,081 0
54 BadWolf 321,526,377 46,404,904 0