End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: dercali - DataSpeed: 0.7656469

Player Information

Name : dercali
Ranking : 420
Team : Norddeutscher KatSchutz
Total Credits: 3,293,581,764
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 9,173
Credits Month: 49,791,747

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
410 AF8283 3,396,202,034 -102,620,270 78336 / 21-6-2239
411 LukasLGDU 3,392,263,792 -98,682,028 0
412 Micha-94 3,379,791,863 -86,210,099 0
413 axi92 3,354,775,392 -61,193,628 46713 / 20-11-2152
414 Teutonicus 3,352,869,191 -59,287,427 0
415 Xeondt 3,347,770,905 -54,189,141 41366 / 1-4-2138
416 Marv0607 3,331,011,628 -37,429,864 81369 / 10-10-2247
417 HeikoSch 3,323,794,529 -30,212,765 0
418 FrecherMichel 3,318,043,800 -24,462,036 0
419 CptBackpack 3,309,399,704 -15,817,940 0
420 dercali 3,293,581,764 0 0
421 Zedd78 3,285,583,794 7,997,970 3 / 31-12-2024
422 DomselReturns 3,284,708,004 8,873,760 2 / 30-12-2024
423 Hsispeg2 3,273,132,283 20,449,481 8 / 5-1-2025
424 Rettungswache43 3,271,175,624 22,406,140 0
425 Sance 3,268,712,024 24,869,740 6 / 3-1-2025