End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: christianlouis - DataSpeed: 0.8901465

Player Information

Name : christianlouis
Ranking : 86
Team :
Total Credits: 9,838,662,089
Credits Today: 2,507,344
Credits Week: 16,171,842
Credits Month: 111,744,892

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
76 Krieger1973 10,433,652,352 -594,990,263 0
77 Mosch98 10,395,150,168 -556,488,079 241 / 26-8-2025
78 ElFuego 10,308,257,454 -469,595,365 0
79 ksteim112 10,294,688,872 -456,026,783 197 / 13-7-2025
80 papadopolos 10,256,926,093 -418,264,004 181 / 27-6-2025
81 PI-Teufelchen 10,194,353,929 -355,691,840 0
82 D-Back 10,088,557,748 -249,895,659 108 / 15-4-2025
83 Lars88 10,029,058,692 -190,396,603 82 / 20-3-2025
84 Manute1337 9,962,266,623 -123,604,534 0
85 Schnappy 9,882,249,453 -43,587,364 0
86 christianlouis 9,838,662,089 0 0
87 Dagobert112 9,604,829,448 233,832,641 0
88 Lagedienst 9,599,618,021 239,044,068 0
89 DerSpeziDuebler 9,558,676,337 279,985,752 0
90 Mallow 9,550,518,533 288,143,556 38 / 4-2-2025
91 LstOWL 9,470,588,213 368,073,876 0