End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: Rettungswache43 - DataSpeed: 0.8312218

Player Information

Name : Rettungswache43
Ranking : 423
Total Credits: 3,271,175,624
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 75
Credits Month: 23,160,482

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
413 axi92 3,354,775,392 -83,599,768 224128 / 19-8-2638
414 Teutonicus 3,350,867,770 -79,692,146 0
415 Xeondt 3,347,770,905 -76,595,281 205349 / 20-3-2587
416 Marv0607 3,331,010,228 -59,834,604 0
417 HeikoSch 3,323,780,862 -52,605,238 0
418 FrecherMichel 3,316,420,479 -45,244,855 0
419 CptBackpack 3,309,394,040 -38,218,416 0
420 dercali 3,293,572,591 -22,396,967 97318 / 9-6-2291
421 Zedd78 3,283,877,562 -12,701,938 0
422 DomselReturns 3,275,499,720 -4,324,096 0
423 Rettungswache43 3,271,175,624 0 0
424 Hsispeg2 3,270,410,487 765,137 0
425 Sance 3,261,221,868 9,953,756 3 / 30-12-2024
426 Polarlicht 3,259,301,998 11,873,626 0
427 Thec12345 3,254,374,215 16,801,409 6 / 2-1-2025
428 _Sky_ 3,248,549,877 22,625,747 5 / 1-1-2025