End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: Resevalec77 - DataSpeed: 0.7979275

Player Information

Name : Resevalec77
Ranking : 596
Team : Landesfeuerwehrverband Hessen
Total Credits: 2,440,486,648
Credits Today: 1,021,596
Credits Week: 4,437,544
Credits Month: 39,010,506

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
586 Pb_kth4711 2,473,865,662 -33,379,014 25 / 20-1-2025
587 Gisemondo 2,465,307,056 -24,820,408 0
588 Basinus86 2,459,511,525 -19,024,877 14 / 9-1-2025
589 Spoise 2,459,452,223 -18,965,575 14 / 9-1-2025
590 Neuperlach1 2,458,523,062 -18,036,414 14 / 9-1-2025
591 Hischu 2,458,350,416 -17,863,768 14 / 9-1-2025
592 Grisu110 2,448,156,676 -7,670,028 0
593 lionking6678 2,447,015,227 -6,528,579 5 / 31-12-2024
594 Lottezazu15 2,444,487,204 -4,000,556 0
595 Kenthurst 2,441,642,878 -1,156,230 1 / 27-12-2024
596 Resevalec77 2,440,486,648 0 0
597 bibi76 2,438,753,758 1,732,890 0
598 Rick747 2,437,992,549 2,494,099 0
599 ThW78 2,433,615,705 6,870,943 0
600 Steven060187 2,427,280,309 13,206,339 0
601 APE_Franken 2,426,364,688 14,121,960 0