End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: OBMHL - DataSpeed: 0.8707776

Player Information

Name : OBMHL
Ranking : 466
Total Credits: 3,012,209,597
Credits Today: 00
Credits Week: 817
Credits Month: 1,058,845

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
456 MacCaffrey 3,036,751,030 -24,541,433 0
457 Teufel077 3,035,268,926 -23,059,329 955 / 9-8-2027
458 Lennynjoy 3,032,570,794 -20,361,197 843 / 19-4-2027
459 XiB 3,025,450,755 -13,241,158 0
460 jetta_mk3 3,025,292,141 -13,082,544 0
461 jamtheman 3,020,724,582 -8,514,985 0
462 HafenCity112 3,019,268,764 -7,059,167 0
463 kingolachs2 3,018,002,125 -5,792,528 0
464 Cjone 3,014,303,066 -2,093,469 0
465 DerWehrWolf 3,013,670,753 -1,461,156 60 / 25-2-2025
466 OBMHL 3,012,209,597 0 0
467 Derkleinestein 3,010,673,289 1,536,308 0
468 mugel 2,997,538,242 14,671,355 80 / 17-3-2025
469 VHubert 2,988,303,833 23,905,764 0
470 181001-9 2,985,497,407 26,712,190 33 / 29-1-2025
471 PhilFlieger 2,979,801,821 32,407,776 32 / 28-1-2025