End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: LukasLGDU - DataSpeed: 0.8439446

Player Information

Name : LukasLGDU
Ranking : 411
Team : Großverband NRW (Das Original)
Total Credits: 3,395,194,267
Credits Today: 8,017,750
Credits Week: 137,239,843
Credits Month: 471,833,064

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
401 Flóki 3,459,123,432 -63,929,165 2 / 30-12-2024
402 Qullop 3,457,734,807 -62,540,540 3 / 31-12-2024
403 Nicole96 3,453,002,467 -57,808,200 2 / 30-12-2024
404 BULL911 3,435,889,516 -40,695,249 2 / 30-12-2024
405 Conjuring 3,433,918,835 -38,724,568 2 / 30-12-2024
406 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥𝟘𝟠𝟟𝟝 3,426,153,881 -30,959,614 0
407 Lord_Halmquist 3,415,982,027 -20,787,760 1 / 29-12-2024
408 Fitzgeraldo 3,408,532,682 -13,338,415 1 / 29-12-2024
409 Garenius 3,407,560,941 -12,366,674 1 / 29-12-2024
410 AF8283 3,396,202,034 -1,007,767 0
411 LukasLGDU 3,395,194,267 0 0
412 Micha-94 3,383,561,595 11,632,672 0
413 axi92 3,354,775,392 40,418,875 0
414 Teutonicus 3,353,131,088 42,063,179 0
415 Xeondt 3,347,770,905 47,423,362 0
416 Marv0607 3,331,011,878 64,182,389 0