End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: Klettchen84 - DataSpeed: 0.8690563

Player Information

Name : Klettchen84
Ranking : 535
Team : Lstl Hannover, Niedersachsen
Total Credits: 2,675,366,833
Credits Today: 1,663,569
Credits Week: 14,708,900
Credits Month: 115,866,347

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
525 Feanor 2,696,861,121 -21,494,288 7 / 2-1-2025
526 lessvirus 2,695,663,976 -20,297,143 7 / 2-1-2025
527 EinsatzleiterN01 2,695,613,031 -20,246,198 0
528 LST_Hildesheim 2,691,303,300 -15,936,467 3 / 29-12-2024
529 Heu1986 2,686,614,940 -11,248,107 2 / 28-12-2024
530 RivalAUT 2,685,916,726 -10,549,893 3 / 29-12-2024
531 Lexington 2,683,003,647 -7,636,814 2 / 28-12-2024
532 Basti1988 2,682,105,883 -6,739,050 2 / 28-12-2024
533 Philipp83 2,679,652,635 -4,285,802 2 / 28-12-2024
534 Giga32 2,679,547,258 -4,180,425 1 / 27-12-2024
535 Klettchen84 2,675,366,833 0 0
536 Husky78 2,661,466,363 13,900,470 0
537 Jenne99 2,659,438,734 15,928,099 0
538 AUTDontcry 2,651,623,720 23,743,113 0
539 Escudo-gh 2,648,953,164 26,413,669 4 / 30-12-2024
540 dwie 2,648,299,387 27,067,446 0