End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: Jondolas - DataSpeed: 0.7362581

Player Information

Name : Jondolas
Ranking : 973
Team : Landesfeuerwehrverband Hessen
Total Credits: 1,612,151,443
Credits Today: 669,505
Credits Week: 6,162,614
Credits Month: 52,697,378

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
963 Kenmaster90 1,629,789,980 -17,638,537 0
964 FireChief45 1,625,802,991 -13,651,548 8 / 3-1-2025
965 chrisc111 1,624,278,026 -12,126,583 9 / 4-1-2025
966 Bernd2016 1,622,835,088 -10,683,645 6 / 1-1-2025
967 Pille_Sylt 1,621,818,760 -9,667,317 9 / 4-1-2025
968 allgermany 1,620,408,894 -8,257,451 4 / 30-12-2024
969 Kueken82 1,619,815,791 -7,664,348 5 / 31-12-2024
970 Jeremias11 1,618,234,034 -6,082,591 3 / 29-12-2024
971 MAL2 1,615,920,984 -3,769,541 0
972 Oessi77 1,615,045,447 -2,894,004 21 / 16-1-2025
973 Jondolas 1,612,151,443 0 0
974 Patrick.lu 1,611,886,781 264,662 0
975 del_john 1,611,769,453 381,990 0
976 HMHamburg 1,611,302,771 848,672 2 / 28-12-2024
977 Max318_ 1,606,710,373 5,441,070 0
978 Rossi461602 1,606,213,789 5,937,654 0