End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: Jeremias11 - DataSpeed: 0.7949941

Player Information

Name : Jeremias11
Ranking : 971
Total Credits: 1,618,253,246
Credits Today: 9,279
Credits Week: 67,872
Credits Month: 327,759

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
961 Rotti08 1,634,548,438 -16,295,192 0
962 Tiga 1,632,270,195 -14,016,949 928 / 13-7-2027
963 Kenmaster90 1,630,860,964 -12,607,718 0
964 FireChief45 1,625,831,668 -7,578,422 0
965 chrisc111 1,625,219,133 -6,965,887 0
966 Bernd2016 1,622,990,788 -4,737,542 0
967 Pille_Sylt 1,621,835,440 -3,582,194 0
968 allgermany 1,620,408,894 -2,155,648 143 / 19-5-2025
969 Kueken82 1,619,817,157 -1,563,911 0
970 MAL2 1,619,775,105 -1,521,859 0
971 Jeremias11 1,618,253,246 0 0
972 Oessi77 1,616,616,445 1,636,801 1 / 28-12-2024
973 Jondolas 1,615,044,775 3,208,471 2 / 29-12-2024
974 HMHamburg 1,614,588,023 3,665,223 2 / 29-12-2024
975 Patrick.lu 1,613,591,147 4,662,099 3 / 30-12-2024
976 Rossi461602 1,612,234,548 6,018,698 3 / 30-12-2024