End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: FrecherMichel - DataSpeed: 0.8594769

Player Information

Name : FrecherMichel
Ranking : 418
Team : Landesfeuerwehrverband Hessen
Total Credits: 3,315,891,287
Credits Today: 103,547
Credits Week: 5,501,892
Credits Month: 33,983,082

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
408 Fitzgeraldo 3,407,122,753 -91,231,466 164 / 8-6-2025
409 Garenius 3,404,116,460 -88,225,173 0
410 AF8283 3,396,202,034 -80,310,747 65 / 1-3-2025
411 axi92 3,354,775,392 -38,884,105 31 / 26-1-2025
412 LukasLGDU 3,353,036,592 -37,145,305 0
413 Teutonicus 3,348,735,973 -32,844,686 0
414 Xeondt 3,347,770,905 -31,879,618 26 / 21-1-2025
415 Micha-94 3,340,052,136 -24,160,849 0
416 Marv0607 3,331,009,953 -15,118,666 12 / 7-1-2025
417 HeikoSch 3,323,771,347 -7,880,060 6 / 1-1-2025
418 FrecherMichel 3,315,891,287 0 0
419 CptBackpack 3,309,392,128 6,499,159 0
420 dercali 3,293,572,591 22,318,696 0
421 Zedd78 3,283,328,948 32,562,339 15 / 10-1-2025
422 DomselReturns 3,273,000,784 42,890,503 13 / 8-1-2025
423 Rettungswache43 3,271,175,624 44,715,663 0