End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: FlorianLimburg0405 - DataSpeed: 0.7186381

Player Information

Name : FlorianLimburg0405
Ranking : 1102
Team : Landesfeuerwehrverband Hessen
Total Credits: 1,447,792,245
Credits Today: 151,908
Credits Week: 14,142,830
Credits Month: 71,316,547

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
1092 Hans-Theo 1,458,501,546 -10,709,301 4 / 31-12-2024
1093 nomiSLiv3 1,457,631,947 -9,839,702 3 / 30-12-2024
1094 Buddelchen 1,456,793,874 -9,001,629 0
1095 Kevin_Loose 1,453,875,924 -6,083,679 2 / 29-12-2024
1096 FFe 1,451,927,571 -4,135,326 2 / 29-12-2024
1097 Thomas1979 1,451,099,542 -3,307,297 2 / 29-12-2024
1098 Gutter1977 1,450,330,618 -2,538,373 1 / 28-12-2024
1099 Warbird 1,449,158,983 -1,366,738 1 / 28-12-2024
1100 Scotti 1,448,092,055 -299,810 0
1101 Marba 1,448,035,870 -243,625 0
1102 FlorianLimburg0405 1,447,792,245 0 0
1103 tb11 1,445,471,816 2,320,429 0
1104 Svenchen 1,444,904,748 2,887,497 0
1105 Sandy_1722 1,444,607,285 3,184,960 0
1106 FloWOB 1,444,164,109 3,628,136 0
1107 TomDerBerg123 1,442,018,162 5,774,083 0