End Of Life - Q1-2025!

Unfortunately, due to high costs and decreasing advertising revenue, this project will stop in Q1-2025!

Game World data: DE - Player: Christianj112 - DataSpeed: 0.9217271

Player Information

Name : Christianj112
Ranking : 793
Team : Lstl Hannover, Niedersachsen
Total Credits: 1,933,204,494
Credits Today: 827,809
Credits Week: 4,104,225
Credits Month: 4,997,655

Klik op onderstaande om de data per dag te zien!

Overtaking or being overtaken?

Rang Name Credits Difference Catch days
(Average 7 days)
783 Watschnbam66 1,948,343,751 -15,139,257 23 / 18-1-2025
784 Sakulh97 1,946,960,250 -13,755,756 22 / 17-1-2025
785 Maverik-Hamm 1,946,957,895 -13,753,401 0
786 Yango89 1,944,341,211 -11,136,717 17 / 12-1-2025
787 quwert 1,943,726,213 -10,521,719 16 / 11-1-2025
788 mwkngg 1,942,996,711 -9,792,217 15 / 10-1-2025
789 Mutabor82 1,940,369,828 -7,165,334 11 / 6-1-2025
790 Frankenhai 1,938,596,830 -5,392,336 8 / 3-1-2025
791 Scorefield 1,935,201,157 -1,996,663 6 / 1-1-2025
792 Sven112110 1,933,604,820 -400,326 1 / 27-12-2024
793 Christianj112 1,933,204,494 0 0
794 Trisey26 1,933,163,333 41,161 0
795 tunaaar 1,925,135,232 8,069,262 0
796 Chasqui 1,924,615,112 8,589,382 0
797 Chr15 1,910,220,441 22,984,053 0
798 Blackstoner 1,907,645,653 25,558,841 50 / 14-2-2025